Thursday, August 28, 2008

Back to Work!

The Kitty Hawk is gone and I am very sad. My vicarious mini-vacation is over and now I have to buckle down and be a real!life!resident! I have had so much fun over the last few weeks. I've hit all my favorite restaurants, gone out and seen a bunch of sights, and really had a nice transition into SD life.

And you know what? There's still so much to do. I want to go to the beach more, go boogie-boarding, swim La Jolla cove, go to the zoo and Sea World, explore more California coastal towns, find exciting new places and realize that I've picked a very cool place to be over the next five years. Five years! Yikes! What have I done? (<-- please note crazy vacillating emotional state. Very par for course over the last few days)

Kelly (roomie) invited me to go to the zoo tonight and I was all set to go except 1) I realized I be a total Debbie Downer since I'm so bummed out and 2) even if I could, I have too much work. This blog post is a break!

Oh, and at some point, I'm going to learn how to surf. So that when I go back to Chiba (someday?), I will totally dominate. As opposed to causing my freckles on my stomach to get total surf board rash from only paddling all day long.

1 comment:

  1. I envy you, but at the same time I do not!!! I wish I were in San Diego, but not in the hospital! Someday I will go back to residency :) We'll see!!!!
